Bridge DID

Bridge DID serves as an effective conduit to transition users from centralized platforms to decentralized networks, or to allow Web2 users to experience the advantages of Web3 in a frictionless manner.

How does Communities ID achieve this?

  1. Reliable On-chain Brand Consensus: Centralized platforms often lack the motivation to migrate to Web3 and are concerned about the financial risks associated with issuing tokens. DID as a Service offers a risk-free DID system that has lower speculative attributes compared to common Web3 migration methods like issuing PFP-NFTs. Centralized platforms can quickly establish on-chain influence and consensus by leveraging the interoperability of User DID across different applications and a unified brand name.

  2. Integration with dApps: The exclusive DID serves as an incentive to promote user engagement within the platform. For instance, as a reward for swap within DEX, a game character in Game-Fi, and a nickname in Social-Fi.

  3. Gasless & Mint to: The feature of having a third party mint to a specified address on behalf of the user allows users to acquire DID in a way that is friendly and seamless for Web2 users.

Bridge DID is a key component of Communities ID that bridges the gap between Web2 and Web3, making the transition smoother and more user-friendly.

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