Renewal & Expiration

The renewal process in Communities ID is an essential aspect of maintaining the Brand DID.

Annual Subscription

Brand DID comes with a one-year validity period upon minting. An annual subscription fee is required to keep the Brand DID active.

Renewal Process

  1. Expiration Notice: As the one-year validity period approaches its end, the Brand DID holder should be aware of the upcoming expiration date.

  2. 30-Day Priority Renewal Period: After the expiration of the validity period, there is a 30-day window during which only the current Brand DID holder has the priority to renew the subscription.

  3. Open Renewal: If the Brand DID holder does not renew within the 30-day priority period, anyone can renew the Brand DID and gain full control and rights over the community.

If a Brand DID is renewed by others during Open Renewal Period, the initial user who minted the Brand DID and deployed the user DID contract is not eligible for any refunds.

Last updated