Search Brand/User

The Collector function serves as a query tool that provides pivotal data about various DID entities and their associations.

Key features include:

  • Retrieving a Brand DID and User DID collection with a specific condition

  • Get the detailed information of a Brand DID or User DID.

Below are some examples:

const { collector } = new CommunitiesID(options);
await collector.searchBrandDID('did')
await collector.searchUserDID('a.did')

Collector module also contains some methods to get specific collection of Brand / User DIDs. These methods are implements using OpenSea API, so if you want to use these methods on mainnet, OpenSea API key is required.

await collector.getAllBrandDIDs(5)
await collector.getAllUserDIDsOwnedByBrand('did')
await collector.getAllUserDIDsOfOneWalletInOneBrand('0x123', 'did')

For more details, please refer to API doc.

Last updated